Call for Submissions

‘Stories by the River’ is the chosen title of a new anthology to be published by the Wells Gray County Seniors Society Writes Club known less formally as the Wells Gray Writers Circle. A seed grant is being provided by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society.

We are looking for entries which take place or are important to the North Thompson Valley. The stories/poems should be polished to the best of the author’s ability. Alex will work with submitting authors to further improve the writing to make this anthology one everyone can be proud to be a part of. Don’t let this scare you off, Alex has worked with many first-time authors to create excellent stories and books.

Let your imagination be inspired by the landscape and people of the valley. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions. The goal is to be print ready before the summer so we can sell copies to the public through the market season.

The submissions must be available for printing, that is, written for the anthology, or stories which the first submission rights have reverted to the author. If real person’s names/images are included, permission of those people or their families is important.

Submissions are open to all people of the Valley, whether they are paid members of The Writers Circle or not.

Please send your stories (fiction or non-fiction) poems and related art to: Alex McGilvery at celticfrog(at) Preferred submission format is in electronic form from a word processor. If poetry has special formatting, please send a screen shot or pdf of the work so we know what it is supposed to look like. Alex is our publisher/editor for the duration of this project.

Submission Deadline is March 15th/2024.

Please contact Eileen Bell at ebellringer9(at) or Alex McGilvery if you have any concerns ideas etc.